Passion Week Meditation
Almighty and most Merciful God, who has appointed us to endure sufferings and death with our Lord Jesus Christ, before we enter with Him into eternal glory; grant us grace at all times to subject ourselves to Your holy will, and to continue steadfast in the true faith unto the end of our lives, and at all times to find peace and joy in the blessed hope of the resurrection of the dead, and of the glory of the world to come, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Saxe-Coburg Kirchenordinung, 1626
Ecce Homo 1558 - 1560 by Titian
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153) - from Sermon 24, On the Passion of Our Lord
Watch with your mind, brethren, that the mysteries of this season may not pass away without profit. The blessing is plentiful. Provide clean receptacles; display devout souls, watchful senses, sober emotions, and chaste consciences for such great gifts of grace. In good truth, not only does your confession of faith admonish you to the care in this matter, but it is the practice of the universal Church, whose sons you are. For all Christians cultivate holiness in observance of these seven sacred days, display modesty, pursue humility, put on gravity, either according to or beyond what is usual, that they may in some way seem to suffer with Christ’s suffering. For who is so impious as not to be sorrowful? Who is so proud, as not to be humbled? Who so angry, as not to forgive? Who so luxurious, as not to abstain? Who so sensual, as not to practice self-restraint? Who so wicked, as not to repent during these days? And rightly so.
For the passion of the Lord is at hand, even now moving the earth, rending the rocks, and opening the tombs. Near also is His resurrection, in which you will celebrate a festival to the Most High, entering with enthusiasm and eagerness into the most glorious deeds which He has accomplished. Nothing better could be done in the world than that which was done by the Lord on these days. Nothing more useful or better could be recommended to the world, than that it should show forth the memory of His abundant sweetness…
Marvelous is Your passion, O Lord Jesus, which repelled the passions of all of us; made propitiation for our iniquities, and is found effectual for every one of our plagues. For what is there of death that is not destroyed by Your death?
Jesu, Deine Passion
Sigismund von Birken, 1653
Jesus I will ponder now
On Thy holy Passion;
With Thy Spirit me endow
For such meditation.
Grant that I in love and faith
May the image cherish
Of Thy suff’ring, pain, and death
That I may not perish.