'My idea of good company, Mr Elliot, is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.'

'You are mistaken,' said he gently, 'that is not good company; that is the best.'

- Jane Austen, Persuasion


A great balm for the tired soul is a comfortable conversation with friends. This good gift brings laughter and mirth, consolation and compassion. A familiar topic tested and explored around a table set with food and drink reminds one of the dinner table at home growing up. One thought leads down a rabbit trail that might end miles from where it began, but there’s sure to be outrageous, hilarious, and perhaps one or two brilliant insights along the way. Join us in our discussions though be warned: they may turn out to be a wild goose chase more often than a pursuit for the great white Stag. 

